Reel Life’s greater focus is creating a link between all of its gardens to enable the activation of a larger Ecosystem, with an ultimate goal of leapfrogging townships and rural towns from the tragic pressure that comes from a fast declining economy, having no new industries and no interest from investors, to an era of change; entrepreneurship; and agripreneurship. Reel Life’s patented seed tape kits enable anyone to start a growing journey. The simple technology led process, takes someone from seed to harvest in a simple, daily step by step process which enables a greater chance of success with limited resources. This positive experience with growing crops fosters confidence and an appetite to take the leap from learner take home garden to sustainable homestead gardener to commercial contract grower.
Reel Life
Reel life NPC and Reel Life (Pty) ltd have been implementing school gardens for over a decade. The focus in the past was on the school growing produce to feed the pupils however with the huge increase in food insecurity, it is impossible for the school to take on this responsibility solely. While our larger 200sqm gardens enable the sustainable harvest for 50 meals per day, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the actual need from a food security perspective in the communities we serve.
Furthermore, teachers want to be enabled to teach the next generation to take food security into their own hands.
Schools want to be places for learning and skills transfer and so we created our learn and grow kits to cater for exactly what the teachers needed. We have then taken it one step further, enabling each learner to take home their own small learning garden. The growing of this garden is then linked into the school work while enticing the household to expand their garden by joining the household garden programme.
If you wish to sponsor a large school or community garden project, Reel Life will work with you and the beneficiary to create a vegetable garden project that suits their needs and your budget.