Spring Mix Bee Food Box


Suitable for planting in Spring.



Green beans are easy to grow, full of fibre and are a great source of protein. The bees love the nectar from the bean flowers and so does your soil. Green beans add nitrogen to your soil, which improves its fertility. Green beans need to be planted in Spring and Summer and in full sunlight and they can be planted in pots or in the ground.


Basil will not only attract bees to your garden, but this delicious herb also adds a complimentary taste to your tomato dishes. Basil grows best in the Spring and Summer warmth and should be planted in full sunlight.


These edible beauties are also used in herbal medicines for colds and flu and can help with the formation of new blood cells. Bees love to climb and feed on nasturtium flowers, which can be planted all year round and in full sunlight.